As the pop psychology stereotype goes… Extroverts are outgoing, outspoken and socially energetic. Introverts, on the other hand, find peace in solitude. They’re introspective and thoughtful, and often find social events overwhelming and draining. 


As much as we like to imagine things in clean and tidy opposites, it’s of course more of a complex spectrum than this. We’ve all got a unique blend of introverted and extroverted characteristics woven into our personality. 


That said, for people who are more inclined toward introversion, working in an office environment is a horrendous prospect. “See you at the office Christmas party!!!”


 Oh, God. Please no…


That’s why remote freelance work can seem like a dream for creative introverts. Focusing on your passion, advancing your career... and all from the comfort of a cosy, quiet hidey-hole. Bliss!


But there are some crucial aspects of freelancing that are generally much better suited to more extroverted types. Here are some tips for embracing these challenges as an introvert.


Money talk 


Money can be an awkward subject. Negotiating a fee and chasing an invoice are things that require us to be upfront, assertive and self-assured. They’re also an unavoidable part of freelance life. 


But don’t let this put you off. Use technology to your advantage. There are some great apps out there that are massive game-changers, like Coconut and Solna. Aside from other things, they can generate invoices for you, and send reminders to your clients!


If all else fails, and if addressing these issues face-to-face is too daunting to bear, simply write an email instead. This means you can be direct, with the benefit of drafting and redrafting your message. 


Selling yourself 


As a freelancer, your business is essentially you. You can’t expect to get very far without putting yourself out there and marketing yourself. 


Putting yourself in the spotlight may be your worst nightmare, so try emphasising your work instead. Luckily for introverts, doing all of this remotely gives us the chance to curate our online presence with care and precision.  


Remember, you don’t have to pretend to be more outgoing than you really are. Show your valuable strengths through what YOU can offer. When it comes to branding yourself, let your portfolio and a solid About Me page do the talking. 


For advice on how to write a captivating About Me page, click here.


A brunette woman hiding her face behind her hands

Client relations and networking


Your style of freelancing doesn’t have to be an ever-changing stream of one-off gigs with new people. Instead, prioritise working with a select few clients who can offer you repeat work. To achieve this, my advice to introverts would be to focus on forming strong, long-lasting client relations.


To succeed in getting recurring work and referrals, staying engaged on clients’ social channels is vital. Regular check-ins via email, phone call or Zoom are inevitable...sorry! 


But don’t assume that this is all smooth sailing for extroverted people. It’s tiring to constantly live up to social expectations, and burnout can affect anyone. So switch off notifications in the evening, and allow yourself some well earned downtime. 


The key is to approach your online interactions in a productive, resourceful way. Make up for weaknesses by going the extra mile in other ways. For example, If your dreaded zoom meeting felt like a flop, follow it up with a rigorous action plan in an email to reassure your client. 


At the end of the day, there’s no reason why introversion or extroversion should prevent you from thriving as a freelancer. And there’s no use letting labels govern your work! But knowing how to shape your freelance business around your assets goes a long way.

