Male & Female Models for a Beauty Brand Expired

London, UK


I run a beauty start up and am planning a 3 day photoshoot to showcase our eyeshadows for a new website.

I am looking for 6 models (3 men, 3 women, with diverse skin tones).

The job will involve having 4 eyeshadow looks applied and photographed each day, with some video and behind the scenes shooting also.

The dates are 29th June, 30th June and 1st July.

We require three models there every day, for 8-10 hours. Each model will work approximately 2 days each.

The rate is £200-300 per model, per day.

Duration: 3 days


£200-£300 per day

Job Date

20 Jun 2021


3 days


Model (Male), Model (Female), Mode...


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