Wedding Themed Shoot in a Church/Studio Expired

London, UK


I am looking to create a wedding theme to be shot in a studio/ church. Looking to shoot preparation like images for both bride and groom, and formal posed shots of both as individuals and as an imagined couple. I intend to use these to post on my social media channels and create paid ads.

I will be able to send copies of the images to other collaborators within 96 hours. I have a wedding dress that should fit a size 10-12. It is nothing spectacular, and if a fashion stylist can secure one that is better, that would be great.

Would require the makeup artist and hair stylist to do the makeup and hair, and will capture stills and videos of the process for the above mentioned reasons, and possible video to create reels or stories.

This gig is open to amateurs and professionals who need to build something different for their portfolio and social media. I expect you to be competent at what you do no matter what level you are, and can demonstrate that through your previous work. I will start shortlisting within the next week by the 11th/ 12th of March 2023.

If there is anything that I have left out, please ask me. This is my first time posting for a collaboration. So forgive me for anything that I miss or something that is unclear.

I am scheduling the shoot for the 18th of March 2023. I am in the process of narrowing down a studio location for the event. I will notify you within a week and a half where it will be. The place I thought I would use won't be ready on time. My apologies for the delay.


Test Shoot

Job Date

18 Mar 2023 - 01 Jan 1970




Makeup Artist, Model (Male), Styli...


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