Photography Assistant Expired

London, UK


I have a small photography business and I am looking for an assistant who can help me with some shootings.

This job is perfect for a photography student or a recent graduate. Please don't apply if you are already a professional photographer or if you do not have any knowledge of photography.

This job is perfect for a people person - you are going to work with people and tourists, who love London, and is available on weekends. This is not a fixed position and you need to be flexible.

Hourly pay: £16


  • to own a good DSLR camera (20-24 megapixels)
  • experience  and passion for photography (better if portrait and landscape) or photography student
  • need to be available on weekends 
  • London based and happy to move around it


To apply please send an email with:

  • a link to your portfolio/profile
  • a cv
  • your weekly availability




Under £250

Job Date

31 Mar 2018




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