‘Keep In Mind: Creativity & Mental Health | MHAW 2018’
For Mental Health Awareness Week 2018 (MHAW18), the focus was on stress. Research indicates that 16 million people experience a mental health problem each year, and stress has been shown to be a main contributing factor (Mental Health Foundation, 2018) By tackling stress, this gives ways to tackle mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, and in some cases self-harm and suicide. During MHAW18, we collaborated with Creatives, Mental Health Professionals and the local community to create a week of holistic activities to tackle stress and improve our mental health through a series of workshops and events. With Psychoeducation at the core of our campaign, our aims were to explore methods for young people to gain 360 degree understanding of stress and to provide therapeutic platforms involving creativity. We have specifically chosen yoga, music and dance as research suggests these have great benefits on mental health (NICE, 2017). Filmed by Billion Bites https://billionbites.film/ INSIDE OUT UK Twitter: @InsideOutUK_ Insta:@insideout_uk Facebook:Inside Out UK LinkedIn: Inside Out UK Website: https://www.insideoutorg.co.uk
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