First photo shoot of creative portrait series-collaboration project between Stefanija's Creative Studio and Robert Lipnicki The Concept. To chose 12 most unique buildings, cities in the world and create concept challenging creative side of make up, styling and photography inspired by the city. Stefanija has always been inspired by architecture and art, and have come up with concept to merge art, fashion, and architecture into make up and hair, nail art. Roberts’s aim is to challenge different lightening to capture the moment of creativity and soul. Final result is to create 12 creative portraits highlighting 12 different architecture pieces. January photo shoot was dedicated to Opera House in Sydney Australia. Credits: Art direction, makeup, nail art, styling, headpiece- Stefanija Vektere Art direction, photography and retouch- Robert Lipnicki Hairstylist- Alex Rainbow Model- Noemie Asbyornsen Jewellery- Linnie Mclarty Jewellery Behind the scenes photography and assistant-Antanas Martinkus Assistants: Léo Bodelle Madara Ricika
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