Global Action Plan – rebranding

Global Action Plan are a 25-year-old organisation with a great track record of well-respected behaviour change programmes – helping people reduce their environmental impact through easy, practical steps. The brief: 1. To position Global Action Plan (GAP) as the leading behaviour change organisation in the environmental sector. 2. To establish GAP as the source of ground-breaking projects built on the premise that there is an environmental and a personal benefit brought by the proposed behaviour change. 3. To clearly establish GAP’s connection proposition in the minds of funders and supporters. ‘Connecting what is good for us and what is good for the planet’ was Kathryn’s starting point. With a need to appeal to young people, she was keen that the new brand avoided the visual clichés that have been used in the environmental sector. Her initial concepts were reviewed by the charity’s stakeholders, including their youth panel, with the chosen route deemed ‘smart, neat and elegant’.

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