Vinicius Pozzatti
Videographer, Art Director, Photographer

The Joint London by Canary Warf

An amazing afternoon, painted with a wonderful sunset in this beautiful landscape, with lots of good music and a relaxing vibe! this was the debut in London, which resulted in the beginning of a partnership with this great team @thejointldn we will take a lot of joy and Brazilian heat for Friday nights. 🇧🇷 uma tarde incrível pintada com um pôr do sol maravilhoso nesta linda paisagem, com muita música boa e um clima relaxante! esta foi a estreia em Londres, o que resultou no início de uma parceria com esta grande equipe @thejointldn levaremos muita alegria e calor brasileiro para as noites de sexta. DJ: @tarjablackmusic Production: @canaction . Film: @viniciuspozzatti . Edition: @thabyttadj . Location: @thejointldn . Track ID: PAWSA - The Groovy Cat

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