Are you a Hair Stylist looking for PAID work?
The Freelancer Club provides hair stylists of all levels a platform to build a portfolio *FOR FREE* and access paid hair stylist work.
Hundreds of hair stylists are building their portfolio through test shooting (collaborations with photographers, makeup artists, stylists etc...) without spending a penny. Once your portfolio reaches an industry standard, apply to paid hair stylists jobs and start making money as a professional freelance hair stylist.
- Set up your profile here.
- Add your name, location and a profile picture.
- Upload your portfolio. UPDATE PROFILE - ADD PORTFOLIO IMAGE.
- Fill out your 'About Me' section and your social media links under UPDATE PROFILE - EDIT PROFILE.
- Once your profile is complete, click on the Jobs page to see a list of all test shoots and paid hair stylist jobs.
- All members must be 16 years or older. All minors must receive parental approval.
- Inappropriate images will be removed immediately and the user will be banned from the site.