
Looking to meet new collaborators to get on board with s..

Shoreditch | Stylist (Fashion), mua, set desi...


I'm looking to meet new collaborators to get on board with some exciting test shoot ideas coming up -

A bit about myself / I'm a developing fashion photographer & art director currently looking to fineesse into a loud new style that becomes my 'statement' photographic genre. I've been working in this industry the last few years and have 10+ photostudios in Shoreditch that I work in to do my test shoots -

For reference the direction i want to head into is most similar to that of Tim Walker, but also think Dolce & Gabbana campaigns. I want to create work that blurs the lines between what is art and what is a photo.

People who are excited to experiment, and have flair for breaking boundaries in this industry and trying something new and exciting.

STYLISTS you are so important! I want to see some crazy fashion on set, nothing mediocre, big pieces and statements lets go avant garde! Please get in touch if this excites you & you already are reeling ideas.

MUAS / HAIR does this sound like something you've wanted to get involved in? I have some bench mark visuals I would love you to take and roll with + lets see where we end up!

SET DESIGN/BUILD are you looking to develop a funky portfolio thats going to get you noticed?

If you think this is the kind of thing you've been thinking about getting involved in then lets do it! - I can test shoot flexibly on the weekends, so date's are up in the air, I have contacts in the model agencies so I'm looking more for a creative team to start up some collaborations.

There are several test shoots i have in mind right now to roll with, so get in touch and we'll talk!
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Listing created: 26 Jan 2020   |   Date of Role: Flexible

Shoot Location: Shoreditch, London, UK

Shoot Team
