Hot Summer Fashion Shoot Expired

London, UK


Hot Summer’s Illustrated
This is a summer vibe swimwear themed shoot, which has 4 to 5 swimwear wear looks, with a beach setting. The shoot requires a shapely model who is a size 6/8 and is both confident and comfortable with her body in front of the camera.

You should also be experienced in swimwear or Lingerie styled modelling, know you're angles and should be able to take instructions and be spontaneous with your posing. (Change your pose every time the camera clicks) Evidence or a strong portfolio is required.

This is a collaboration shoot designed for all the individuals involved to add content to their portfolios. A positive energy and attitude is expected from all involved in the shoot. The model should come to the shoot with her hair already done as no hairstylist will be on set, however a professional MUA will be on involved from the outset, so you should arrive with a small amount of makeup or none at at all. The model should bring with her a pair of summer sandals/sliders and any beachwear accessories that may assist in the shoot. Your hair style should be long, flowing and wavy. (NO BRAIDS plz) As this is a summery type shoot we are waiting on the weather to change.


Test Shoot


Job: Flexible




Model, Model (Female)


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