Makeup Artist, Hair Stylist, Model (Female), Stylist, Ar.. Expired

Bad Star Studios, London, UK


Double Trouble - Mums in career - is a photography project that wants to explore and portray the double life of modern mums who juggle between the pursuing of their careers and the raising of the next generation.

Looking for working mums who want to model for a day with their kid(s). The shoot will take place at Bad Star Studios in Leytonstone (East London) - dates tbc.

Also looking for: make up artist, hairstylist, wardrobe/props stylists.

See images attached for reference on the style, props and outfits will be used to show the mums' profession.

The project is in collaboration with The Freelancer Club, their team will be present on set to document the dynamics of a test shoot with interviews and video reportage of the day.


Test Shoot


Job: Flexible




Makeup Artist, Hair Stylist, Model...


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