Design Consultant Expired

Wells Cathedral, Cathedral Green, Wells, UK


Delivered by Wells Cathedral, Vicars’ Close: A Medieval Street Singing Through the Centuries is a once in a lifetime opportunity project to save a site of internationally significant architectural heritage. It will create a legacy that will not only safeguard the future of Vicars’ Close, but also deliver brand new, innovative engagement programmes and interpretation that will be co-created with groups across the county.

We are now looking to appoint a design consultancy to develop the specifications for key elements of our interpretation.

This tender is to produce:
(a) an overarching strategy and options for an interpretative scheme for the Vicars’ Close informed
by consultation and collaboration with the activity planning process
(b) a costed interpretation plan detailing themes, audiences, objectives and outcomes and including
concept visuals and an implementation plan.
Interpretation should be legible to a wide range of audiences, recognising that people engage at different
levels, including people with limited mobility. Appropriate use of multimedia products and presentations
that provides a multi layered and stimulating visitor experience should be considered.
Tenders should include:
• Details of at least two previous and relevant contracts undertaken and client contact details to be
approached for references
• A proposed methodology and work plan
• A quotation including VAT if chargeable and payment schedule
• A brief CV and contact details, (or CVs if more than one person) who will be undertaking this
• Fixed price fees for the Interpretation Strategy and Design Consultancy, the later split between the
Development and Delivery Phases. Please note the figures stated in 5.4 are maximum figures
Apply through email address provided behind the "Apply" button.


£5000 or higher

Job Date

19 Dec 2022






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