Translation for a Range of Projects Expired

Preferred Location: UK

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We are seeking a skilled individual to embark on a freelance position within the writer discipline.

As part of this remote working assignment, the successful candidate will primarily focus on the translation of written content from English to various languages. This role will require the ability to expertly conduct business translations and B2B copywriting. The ideal professional for this opportunity will possess a keen eye for language nuances and a proficiency in delivering accurate and culturally sensitive translations.

The selected candidate will be entrusted with the task of converting English text into clear and engaging compositions in other languages. Communication skills and attention to detail will be paramount in successfully conveying the intended messages across linguistic boundaries. This freelance position offers a challenging yet rewarding opportunity for a dedicated individual to utilise their linguistic capabilities in the field of business translation and B2B copywriting.


1000 - 2000



Job Date

29 Mar 2024






B2B Copywriting, Business Translation

Location   Remote Work

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