HMUA for a Corporate Photoshoot Expired

Lots Road, London, UK


Here is an exciting freelance opportunity for a skilled makeup artist and hair stylist based near Lots Road, London, UK.

You will be working on a corporate photography shoot involving 18 individual headshots and a group shot at the end of the day for the staff members.

With 7 female employees in the mix, your expertise in enhancing natural beauty and creating professional looks is key.

The founder of the company values your presence throughout the day, starting from 9.30 am until approximately 5 pm, with some flexibility for early completion.

Your work will play a crucial role in ensuring that the corporate staff members look and feel their best for the photography shoot. Additionally, you will be responsible for creating polished and professional looks for the 18 employees, bringing out their best features for the camera.

With a focus on attention to detail and a keen eye for aesthetics, you will contribute to the overall success of the shoot and leave a lasting impression on the team. This freelance position provides the chance to work alongside a dynamic group of professionals and make a meaningful impact through your craft.

Duration: 7 hours


£250 - £500

Job Date

30 Apr 2024


7 hours


Makeup Artist, Hair Stylist


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