Model for a Book Promo Campaign

Preferred Location: United Kingdom


I'm releasing a gay fictional romance book in the summer. The book is written under a pseudonym so I do not want to be in any promotional photos.

I am looking for a model to take photos of my book in a few simple shots that will be appealing and shareable on Instagram and other social media. The photos would not feature your face, but other parts of your body.

Example photos might be: - The book on your bed, while your legs are either side. - The book in your hands while you sit cross legged on the sofa. - The book in a garden with your legs on show - The book resting on your torso I'm open to your suggestions. I'm ultimately looking for around 20 photos which are visually appealing, show part of an appealing man's body, and capture the eye of the Tiktok / Instagram crowd. I would use them to promote my forthcoming book on social media. If they are effective, I may look at similar commissions in the future either for future books I write, or to maintain the channel's content.

Requirements - Young (18+) white male - Slim / athletic build - UK-based (so I can easily post a book to you) - Preferably has an e-reader (to include my ebook in the shot) - Attractive legs/hands/torso to accompany the book - Has a good quality camera / phone camera

Duration: 2 hours


Under £250



Job Date

03 Jun 2024


2 hours


Model (Male)


Beauty Modelling, Fashion Modelling, Fitness Modelling, Influencer Modelling, Promotional Modelling

Location   Remote Work

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