Second Shooter for a Wedding Expired

Reading, UK


We are in search of a freelance photographer to serve as a secondary shooter for a wedding event in Reading on 7th August 2024.

This role offers a valuable opportunity for individuals keen on expanding their photography portfolios. The position involves an 6-8 hour commitment, necessitating the use of your personal camera to document moments in RAW format. Aspiring to intermediate level photographers are invited to apply by submitting samples of their work along with specifics of their camera body and lenses.

The remuneration for this one-day assignment is £250.00, with no post-editing required – solely raw image files will be accepted.

If you are a budding or experienced photographer seeking to amass practical experience and enhance your collection, this role provides an excellent platform to showcase your skills and creativity. By bringing your photography equipment, commitment, and enthusiasm, you can help create lasting memories for the wedding couple. Your candid shots will be treasured for capturing the essence of this special event. To be considered for this rewarding opportunity, please submit your portfolio examples.

Duration: 8 hours


Under £250



Job Date

07 Aug 2024


8 hours




Event Photography, Location Photoshoot, Wedding Photography


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