Makeup Artist for a 40th Expired

Chelmsford, UK


Hey there, we're on the hunt for a talented Makeup Artist to work their magic at a 40th Birthday Party. The Birthday queen is going all out as a leopard and has her heart set on some sultry, glamorous makeup to match her fierce look. As a Makeup Artist freelancer, your job is to bring this vision to life, flaunting your skills in the realm of professional makeup artistry for special occasions. The dream candidate should have a knack for crafting dazzling makeup styles and must be all about those little details that make a big difference. If you've got what it takes and are free to make some makeup magic happen on the event date, we want you to throw your hat in the ring for this freelance gig. Hit us up if you're game!

Duration: 1 hours


Under £250

Job Date

03 Aug 2024


1 hours


Makeup Artist


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