2D Animator Expired

London, UK


Job Description

Hello, we are looking for a 2d animator to join our small production team for a 2-minute live-action puppet animation video, which is for a festival opening this first Septemeber. We need some simple frame-by-frame elements added for the following two parts:

  1. An Abstract black/white shadow character corresponding to the puppet protagonist the interaction between the two, and some special effects

  2. An abstract colourful spirit character with some fairy effects. Reference to the spirit in Howl's Moving Castle but no need the human form

There is a fixed fee of 1000 pounds for this 2d animation element. The selected animator needed to work with the director closely based in her studio in East London. The overall animation needed to be finished by the end of July or early August. Please contact the email address shown after clicking "apply" as soon as possible with your works or website for more details.


£5000 or higher

Job Date

31 Jul 2024




Graphic Designer, Animator


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