8 Video Histories Expired

Derby, UK


Job Summary

Film 8 video histories with parents in Derby, edit to make 8 vlogs, film a visual vernacular poem.

Job Description

  • Film 8 video histories or maximum 30 minutes / video

  • Edit the full length video histories into 8, 4-5 minute vlogs which will sit on our website as a bridge to the film archive where the full histories will be available.

  • Add English subtitles to the video histories and the vlogs

  • Film the visual vernacular poem, edit and prepare for public presentation

Add credits and funders logos to all films

  • 8 video history films made @ £300 / day of filming (2 or 3 interviews / day TBC)

  • 4 days filming and editing the VV @ £300 / day = total £1200

  • 8 vlogs edited and subtitled @ £300 / film = total £2400

More about the project: Our arts and heritage project delivers high quality oral history activity and video history captured with parents who are deaf. We are inviting new parents from many cultures to share songs they've sung and bedtime stories to help soothe babies to sleep, and to share experiences of parenthood. The work culminates with a unique exhibition / installation at Derby Museum and Art Gallery. It will feature a large listening post playing a lullaby created by Derby parents, a soundscape of the oral histories collected and a viewing post showing a Visual Vernacular film made with parents who are deaf. This project includes in-depth research with Derby communities, the history of lullabies and experiences of baby caregivers in Derby. We'll engage families from diverse cultural backgrounds, including different cultures and ethnic backgrounds as well as parents who speak English and British Sign Language.

Job Requirements

  • Provide equipment for filming 4K resolution

  • Must be d/deaf.

Job Responsibilities

  • Attend and contribute to production management meetings with the Project Director

  • Site visits as required.

  • Ensure the VV video is finished by 31 June 2025 and vlogs released weekly during the project with the final one by the end of October 2025.

  • Provide detailed feedback during and after the project.


£3000 - £5000

Job Date

02 Aug 2024






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