Short-Term Visual Writers Room


Job Description

To take part in a small short-term virtual writers room to workshop and finalise edits of an existing script.

The aim to complete the project ready for submission/consideration for production, including participants credits and agreed salary. A need for those with an interest in creative writing and screenplay is needed. Happy to consider student or those looking for some experience.

Job Requirements

Any level considered, just an understanding of writing, and specifically Screenwriting.

To take part within a set time, to read through, discuss and plan work on a daily basis for a limited amount of days - editing and perfecting the existing screenplay (looking at a week) or as agreed on application.

Job Responsibilities

To write and edit, reformat an existing screenplay with consideration to the world building, bible, pitchbook and other writers notes.

To be available within the agreed allotted time to work with others in the writers room/creative team.

Job Overview

  • Job Title: Assistant Writer

  • Salary: Under £10K

  • Artform: Film

  • Contract: Temporary

  • Location: UK-wide

How to Apply

Please email with interest, a little bit about yourself, any experience you have and what you hope to gain from this role.


£5000 or higher

Job Date

09 Sep 2024





Location   Remote Work

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