Freelance Film Maker Expired



Job Summary

Freelance Film Maker to help record the Lowestoft Town Hall Regeneration Project, create films for display in the heritage gallery and develop workshops with local people as part of the engagement activities.

Job Description

Freelance Film Maker

Contract Length: 30 months (minimum of 96 days work required over 30 month period)


About the role:

Lowestoft Town Council seeks to appoint an experienced film maker to deliver and oversee the film making engagement activities in the Lowestoft Town Hall Project Activity Plan in the first two years of the delivery stage.

They will work with local people to provide workshops in film making and then work with the group to film and produce the films of the Town Hall redevelopment, contribute to a new contemporary cultural archive, a future heritage resource which captures the events and showcases some of the positive things happening in the town, as well as interviewing older people about their memories of town to feed into the interpretation displays which will be in the Town Hall. They will play a key role in the delivery of the Your Lowestoft Memories and other intergenerational oral history activities.

The film maker will report to the Heritage Project Manager.

Job Requirements

The ideal candidate will have the following experience:
Experienced film maker including editing and production
Experience of working with communities on co-production films and in particular young people
Experience of working on oral history projects/ recording interviews
Experience of delivering workshops in film making to different audiences
The enthusiasm and imagination to inspire and engage people in local heritage and make them feel valued
Interest in heritage and history
Able to work flexible hours which may include weekends and evenings
Good communication skills including the ability to engage with a diverse range of audiences

Job Responsibilities

To produce a series of short films, to professional standards, of the Town Hall redevelopment building works
Run various film making workshops, in particular for young people; help edit films they produce
Oversee volunteer filmmakers at events
To assist with the development of the film content for the contemporary digital archive
Provide training in film making for Town Hall heritage staff
To ensure films are edited and completed to good standard including accessibility aides
To provide appropriate consent forms and ensure appropriate permissions of those appearing on camera
To ensure that all appropriate copyright permissions are obtained
To assist with providing social media content for the project
To advise LTC and liaise with LTC on the councils purchase of appropriate timelapse camera, plus sound and camera equipment for workshops, and digitisation of equipment
To assist with creation and editing of digital content for the Town Hall permanent heritage gallery



Job Date

31 Jul 2024






film videography, filmmaker


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