Graphic Designer, Illustrator, Web Designer

"Bring Your Holiday Home" Email animated hero images - Tucan Travel

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Kris   (3 years ago)
This set of illustrations were released in lockdown 1 for Tucan Travels email campaigns "Bring Your Holiday Home". This was sent out to keep clients involved in travel in other ways other than travelling as they couldn't. So our plan was to display content such as movies (top image), books to read (middle image) and tv series (bottom image). These images were used as newsletter hero's to keep our followers engaged in travel. I quite enjoyed creating illustrated content for our emails as they are different to most other leading images you will receive in your inbox. The idea to using motion was to capture the viewer instantly and make them read into the content and which would link back to the website. Can you guess what the movies are in the top image and tv shows are in the lower?