Enhancing The Way Buildings Go Together...in A Logo

https://www.crowdspring.com/logo-design/enhancing-the-way-buildings-go-togetherin-a-logo-2926158/entry/10553763/?revision=10477331 INDUSTRY Architectural ABOUT YOUR COMPANY We help architects and owners achieve or restore their building design vision without compromising building enclosure performance LOGO TEXT ACF, Architectural Consulting & Forensics TOP 3 THINGS Clean, Simple, Professional ADDITIONAL INFO I’m interested in abstract logos, but something that must be simple and legible. While the firm is Architectural Consulting and Forensics, LLC, my primary goal is to get a logo with ACF that could be used in multiple applications. The company focuses on the fine details of how building components go together, as this is where failures often occur. My sketches attached don't necessarily illustrate that very well. I added a couple more lettering samples that I found interesting. I also want to emphasize that the final logo needs to be clean, simple and professional (if I can't make out the letters and I know what I'm looking for, my clients and prospective clients won't either...and anything abstract should have some relation to architecture. #logo#photo#graphicdesigner#branding#illustrator#designer

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