Entertainment & Arts Logo Design required

Entertainment & Arts Logo Design required
WHAT NAME DO YOU WANT IN YOUR LOGO?Creo SperoDO YOU HAVE A SLOGAN YOU WANT INCORPORATED IN YOUR LOGO?Create HopeSELECT YOUR INDUSTRYEntertainment & ArtsTELL US MORE ABOUT YOUR AUDIENCE, ORGANISATION OR PRODUCT.Creo Spero is it creative based therapy treatment program. That utilizes arts and music to empower people that are struggling with substance abuse. The logo can have the slogan integrated or not I’d like to see some with and without. It’s important to not Look like every other logo in the addiction treatment industry. We’re looking for younger fresh something that can be used on T-shirts hats and other clothing.WHERE ALL WILL YOU USE YOUR LOGO?
  • (1) Merchandise (mugs, T-shirts Etc)
  • (2) Online (website, Online Advertising, Banner Ads Etc)
  • (3) Print (business Cards, Letterheads, Brochures Etc)

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