Clyde's Angels aka Project Bonnie III (for rebels only)

📷 For full photo set check

🎆 Concept, styling & photography:
- Iasmina Panduru @p_ias

👑 Models:
- Ianas Aurora @ianasaurora
- Dolores Lupej @doli26
- Mara Tatar @maraatatar

🎬 Videography:
- Codrin Panaitescu @coddrin

👚 Clothing:
- Atelier pour les rebelles by Alexandra Danielescu @atelierpourlesrebelles

🙏 Many thanks to Marius Net for the airsoft guns and to Dumitra Ioan for helping us with the mini van. Without you the shoot wouldn't have been possible! ❤

Song: Sean Nicholas Savage - Darkness

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