Anyone can take a professional photo, right? Our phones have got the technology and endless filters to make any shot look like it was taken in a professional studio. So why do we need professional photographers to shoot our products, a headshot or images of our events?
Anyone can be a pro photographer these days.
Cameras are so advanced and post production software is at a level that it's practically doing it for you. It's true that it has become easier to produce a strong image without formal training or expensive kit. The gap has closed between professional and amateur photography but what's the real cost to your business if you choose to create images yourself?
What is the costs of a professional shoot?
At the top end of the market a full photoshoot will require a photographer, makeup artist, hair stylist, fashion stylist, nail artists, art director, model(s) and post producer. A full production to shoot your latest collection, design or product can cost anywhere from £1000 upwards (and we're talking upwards of £50,000). For pack shots (ie: shooting a product without a model), you only require a photographer with a strong lighting set up that could range from £250 - £1500 per day. Shooting headshots of your staff for your site or marketing material would typically set you back £500 - £1500 for a full day of shooting.
Is there a big difference in the final results if I hire a professional?
Obviously, it depends on the people involved in both cases. You may have an intern with a creative spark or you may hire a pro who doesn't deliver but the overall results are generally vastly different when using a professional team. Using our fashion shoot example above, there is a huge difference when using a professional model versus the good looking guy from the marketing department. Equally, a professional photographer will not only produce more dynamic images but know how to get the most our of the model. Hair, makeup, nails and styling will also bring your final image up to far higher standard. The other aspect to consider is the cost of losing your staff for a day while the shoot takes place and the organisation time it takes to put it together.
What is the real value of a professional image?
When running an online business, your website is your shop window. Of course, your pricing has to be competitive and your marketing strategy needs to drive traffic to your site but if your goods aren't presented in the best light, you're fighting a losing battle from the start. Consumers purchase on perception and online consumers have a far shorter attention span so if you don't capture their attention in the first 3 seconds, they're going to click elsewhere. M&S went the extra mile on their ad campaign to make our mouths water and burger chains have been doing it for years. The better something looks, the more we want it. Run an A/B test on your site. Sell the same product shot in-house and professionally and see the difference in sales. In our experience, online sales dramatically increase with professional images and where possible when shot on models.
To find a professional team to shoot product, collection or team, post from free on our board and receive free quotes from some of the best creative freelance talent in the UK. Get started HERE.