German-speaking Producer/Writer Expired


Job Summary

Avantgardeners’ is looking for a German-speaking Producer / experienced dossier writer to join our team. In this role, you will work on all German-language components of our projects and production, crafting various texts and working on different show productions. Native German speaker essential.

Job Description

We need someone organised, flexible, and adaptive, with a clear commitment to supporting art practices across music, Fashion, performance, dance. Experience with different text formats, particularly funding dossiers and structures, would also be ideal.

The majority of work surrounding the projects is conducted from home. A lot of the work takes place across Europe with a focus in Germany, CH, the UK and the Netherlands - it could be handy if some of these places are connected to your base by train (not compulsory). Native German speaker essential.


Salary will be a monthly payment based on experience.


Work hours are flexible as we adjust to our growing team (now 4 members). Generally, you'll work 16 hours a week. We're ideally looking for someone to join us long-term, as this continuity will positively impact our future projects.

Job Requirements

  • Organize productions in German-speaking countries

  • Create show dossiers in German

  • Communicate with German press outlets

  • Handle production aspects of projects we're working on



Job Date

30 Jul 2024






Creative Writing

Location   Remote Work

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