Article Features

18 Members
Admin: Lo Furneaux


If you've ever wanted to be featured in an article on the Freelancer Club blog, then this is the community for you! Tell us your article ideas, give us your feedback and answer our questions! Responding to any of the quote requests from our in-house writers will almost certainly get you featured in one of our upcoming articles! Any responses used will be quoted with your name and a link to your Freelancer Club profile.


Self Promotion

32 Members
Admin: The Freelancer Club


Let's face it, we all need a place to promote ourselves and get the word out. Or, maybe you want to shine a light on another freelancer and promote someone else! Either way, this Community is all about promoting your skills, services, deals, and anything else you want to get out there.


Makeup Products Chat

16 Members
Admin: Josy Knox


A Community for Makeup Artists to discuss beauty products, offer our expert opinion and provide advice to others.

Makeup Artist

Money Talk

28 Members
Admin: The Freelancer Club


Freelancers tend not to talk about money. Let's change that! This community is dedicated to all things money-related. Pricing, negotiation and finances. Let's burst the taboo and open up about money.


Clients Be Like...

3 Members
Admin: The Freelancer Club


A Community to discuss our clients; how best to manage, support, educate and grow with them whilst promoting fair payment, inclusion and diversity.


Beginner Models & Photographers

14 Members
Admin: Nikol Romieri


Are you just starting your creative career, but everyone around you are professionals? This is the right place for you. Here we can help each other grow, work together, give advices and feedbacks, respond to concerns and curiosities. A community for beginners where you can feel comfortable to share your thoughts and be supported throughout your path. Share your pictures to receive feedback, interesting articles, any questions you might have and create new connections!

London, UK

Photographer Model (Male) Model (Female)

You Are Your Own RUNWAY. So OWN IT!

5 Members
Admin: Style With Flare


The aim of this Community is to connect the hidden talent of many creatives as well as sharing my knowledge as a Makeup Artist within the fashion and beauty industries whilst giving advice and beauty know-how to whoever wants it.

Makeup Artist Hair Stylist

Portrait Photography

16 Members
Admin: Alberto Romano


This Community serves as an open discussion to discuss tips, recommendations and referrals for portrait photography shoots.


On The Edge - Lovers Of Film Noir & Radical Photography

1 Member
Admin: Au Privave Photographic Studio


This community is a group for freelancers who love artistic material that is radical, edgy and, at times, with a racy subject matter. Share your favourite movies, link up with fellow freelancers, and post artistic images that are on the edge.

Photographer Videographer

Beginner Models

6 Members
Admin: Nikol Romieri


Are you just beginning your career as a model? This is the right place for you. We can help each other grow, give advices and make new connections. Share your pictures for feedback, ask questions and be supportive!

London, UK

Model Model (Male) Model (Female)


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