We caught up with Paul Price, freelance Digital Designer, about his life in freelancing and aspirations for the future for a rapid fire round of questions.

How did you get started as a freelance UX/UI Designer?

I got started by putting together a solid portfolio and getting in touch with a bunch of recruiters that friends had worked with previously. My first gig was through Represent who put me in touch with Winkreative and things started rolling from there.


What is the most rewarding part of working freelance?

Meeting a wide range of people from different backgrounds, building my network and making friends.


What were you doing before you became a freelance designer?

I worked in permanent roles for about 5 years before making the leap. My last permanent position was at the Business of Fashion working across all of their visual output but primarily product design.


What other jobs have you had?

I worked in ASDA for about 2 weeks before I went to art school.


Have you ever thought of doing something else?

I've considered becoming a portrait photographer but I'd rather keep that to one side and not spoil it by relying on it to make living.


Did you know anything about freelancing before becoming a freelancer?

I knew a bit from friends but mainly the money side of things and not the practicalities of getting an accountant, negotiating day rates etc.


Is there anything you wish you would’ve known before going freelance?

I wish I had known my worth. When I started I was happy to take a much lower rate so I could just be in work every day but now that it's been a few years I pick and choose more what kind of companies I want to work for and the types of work that I enjoy the most.


What does a working day look like for you?

If I'm working a contract in a studio or agency then I turn up on time and get my work done. If I'm working remotely then I'll get to my studio around 9am, check in with the client, let them know my goals for the day and get on with it. I like to check in regularly and ask a lot of questions so usually it's going back and forth on email or Slack between actual design work.


Do you work with any other freelance creatives?

I work with a few developers to build websites and products. In the future I'd like to be able to employ or work with more of my freelance creative friends.



Biggest career break yet?

Working with some well known brands before I was freelance. Big recognisable names carry a lot of weight, beyond how good the work is.



Do you think you’ll always have work coming in as a freelance designer?

Judging by the number of jobs I see being posted by recruiters and on freelance Slack channels, yes. However I've also started my own studio, Sonntag, so I can begin to employ freelancers and take on my own clients.



Do personal experiences ever inspire your work?

In terms of product design, yes absolutely, though I try to remove my personal experiences as quickly as possible. Product design should come from and be tailored to the users and generally I'm not one of the users.



How do you begin a creative project?

I do a lot of research and create a solid brief if that doesn't yet exist. I also ask a lot of questions to begin context around why the project exists, what is the business case, why are you using freelancers etc.



What type of client hires you?

Clients who need something done quickly and done well.



If you went to uni, did it help you in securing freelance gigs?

In art school we were encouraged to find and work with our own clients as soon as we could. This helped me understand the necessity to be self-sufficient but in terms of business education we got nothing. I recently started an event for design business owners called Design x Business to help bridge this gap.


Do you prefer working for small or big brands?

I prefer working with any size of brand as long as they are flexible and available enough to have a discussion and figure out the best solution to their product.



What type of projects takes priority for you?

Projects that are being run by people who are kind, open to suggestions and understand the purpose of design.

Check out more of Paul's work here
