As a home for freelancers, we're always looking for ways to improve the lives of our members and AI offers an abundance of opportunity for us to do just that. The question, however, is how should we use AI to support our community? It seems like every other day, there's a new AI tool promising to revolutionise the way we work. 

At the Freelancer Club, we understand the value of human connection. You can see evidence of this across most of our tech. Whether that's our (human) Concierge Service we offer hiring clients in conjunction with our job post tool or our coaching sessions (delivered by more humans) alongside our automated scheduler tool or simply the fact that we all freelance and know exactly what it's like to go on this amazing journey. 

When the team sat down to brainstorm if AI could play a role, we asked our members what are the most time-consuming pain points they have to endure on a regular basis. The top answer: writing applications when applying for jobs (lots of jobs). That's why we've developed Job Pro AI, not as a replacement for your creativity and expertise, but as a tool to enhance it.


Writing job proposals can be a daunting task. It's not just about showcasing your skills; it's about making a connection with your potential client. Getting a reply and moving the conversation forward. That's where Job Pro AI comes in. By analysing data from thousands of successful proposals, pulling info from the job brief as well as the user's profile, it magically lets you craft personalised and compelling pitches that resonate with hiring clients.

But here's the thing: Job Pro AI is just that – a tool. It can suggest an opening line or help you structure your proposal, but if you ask it to do all of the work, it will struggle to replicate the human touch. That's where your expertise and personality come in.

Think of Job Pro AI as your trusty sidekick, there to support you but never to take over. It can provide insights and suggestions, but it's up to you to infuse your proposal with your unique voice and perspective.

After all, landing clients isn't just about ticking off boxes or following a formula. It's about building relationships and understanding your clients' needs on a deeper level. And that's something no AI can do – at least not yet. Clients are wise to AI-crafted content too so be mindful when you use Job Pro AI that it doesn't sound like an AI wrote it blindly. 

So, the next time you're using Job Pro AI to craft a proposal, remember to inject it with your personality and passion. Share your story, showcase your expertise, and let your clients see the real you behind the screen.

Check out our Jobs Board and give it a whirl. 


Photo: palesa
