With rising university fees making it near impossible for students to gain an education and be debt free, more college leavers are looking at fashion apprenticeships as a viable career path.
Fashion apprenticeships are becoming more popular in an industry that tends to value hands on experience over a university degree. While the textile and design sector has been using fashion apprenticeships for years they are not the only area offering this route to market. More and more sectors are opening up to the idea of a 'learn while you earn' business model and employers are seeing more value from real life experience within creative roles.
Sectors such as beauty, makeup and hair are reaping the benefits of fashion apprenticeships which not only provides the learner with the direct skills required but also contributes financially. However, before rushing out to search for fashion apprenticeships, be aware that the minimum wage of fashion apprenticeships in the UK is £3.30 per hour for those aged 16 - 18 and those aged 19 or over in their first year. All other fashion apprenticeships are entitled to the standard National Minimum wage related to their age - not a huge amount to survive on if also paying rent.
Having facilitated over 100,000 creative freelance and full time roles over the past few years, The Freelancer Club has always favoured practical skills over theoretical study in the creative services sectors. When hiring photographers or makeup artists for example, the strength of the portfolio, experience in the studio or fashion shows and level of professionalism generally outweighs certificates or degrees.