Self-isolation, social distancing, lockdown… Let’s face it, for many of us, this basically just means slowly sinking into the sofa, staring blankly at a screen (see, you’re doing it right now) and mindlessly munching on the irrational food choices that we just panic-bought in bulk. With the outside world being so unsettling and chaotic at the moment, it makes sense that we’d rather work our way through a super-bumper-multi-mega-extra large pack of biscuits than work on creative project ideas as freelancers. Although we all deserve some time out from the pressures and anxieties of this global pandemic, this doesn’t mean we have to stagnate at the expense of our creativity.

Now, you don’t need to be a yogi meditating on a mountaintop to grasp the importance of the mind-body connection. If you stay indoors, breathing in stale air and sprawling around in your pyjamas for prolonged periods, not only will your body be sluggish and lethargic, but what’s more, any sense of creative inspiration will be comparable to a flabby, three-day-old poppadom. I speak from experience. 

Focusing on both calming the mind and invigorating the body can help stimulate creativity. It’s painfully simple really, and we all know it deep down. Although we depend on online platforms to connect now more than ever, we must make a conscious effort to get away from the screen. Otherwise, before you know it, mild boredom turns into an existential crisis. You might find this overdramatic, but we’re only a few days into this epic indoor endurance test. So take my word for it, and take some inspiration from these ideas for keeping up creative motivation and a positive outlook as lockdown freelancers! 

Let’s start with the body. There’s no reason why you can’t get your body pumping from the comfort of your home. Leisurely walking from place to place was a pre-pandemic luxury. From now on you’re going to lunge your way around the house. Yep, you read that right. And yes, you will look ridiculous, but you can’t expect to tap into creative flow if you’re taking yourself too seriously. Not only that, but for every mindless social media scroll, I want 20 star jumps! For every apocalypse movie, gimme 50 squats! No excuses!   

Fight your frustration by using household objects that are soft and squidgy as boxing punch-bags. My Loofah back scrubber now resembles minced meat on a stick! It’s a really effective method of releasing tension and getting your heart rate up. Practise doing handstands against a wall. Gives you a great rush and adrenaline kick! Which is also a bonus if you’re rationing coffee... 

Workout Exercise

If you live in a house share, why not rile everybody up and start a pillow fight? It’s a surprisingly good workout. Or, a game of twister? For old times’ sake? 

Furthermore, as recommended by scientists and experts the world over, you can simply turn off all the lights, blast some obscure syncopated music and trance out with some interpretive dance. Tried and tested mate. You’ll be amazed at how loose and open you become. The creative project ideas will start to flow again. 

Now onto the mind. It’s a really great idea to try out creative activities for adults that you wouldn’t normally do. Remember, these aren’t exactly “normal” times, are they? So cringe all you like, and thank me later. 

Now is the time to delve deep into those random crafty projects and creative art ideas that you got really amped about in year 5. You may identify as a freelance graphic designer, but did you ever clock that you could also make it as a superstar pompom maker? You’re a catwalk model, but did you ever try modelling clay?! 

Anyway… As silly and “pointless” or “unproductive” as these kinds of creative activities for adults probably sound, sometimes the most “productive” thing to do is to just relax. It might just mean absorbing yourself in simple, mundane tasks like repainting a wall or reorganising a shelf. Any way that you can apply creative art ideas to freshen up your living space is undoubtedly going to help. It doesn’t really matter what you do exactly, as long as you just take your time, give it your full attention and allow the mind to settle and decompress. 

Finally, if all else fails, there is always one foolproof method. Laughter. It definitely both engages the body and relaxes the mind. Give someone a surprise tickle, prank-call a friend, watch silly cat videos - or even better, play with a cat or a dog if you live with one! Just go with whatever encourages playfulness, spontaneity and a good old giggle for the best chance of opening up your creative potential and uplifting the spirits in these peculiar times. 
