I’m sure you’re aware that you can use Freelancer Club to fine-tune your portfolio, apply for jobs and arrange test shoots, but there are plenty of other ways you can benefit from our award-winning community platform.
Here’s a breakdown of a few of the lesser known features, so you can be sure that you’re making the most of your Freelancer Club membership!
Community Board
We’re really excited about this new feature, which we’re sure will only strengthen our community as time goes on.
All Freelancer Club Members are free to use the Community forum to give and gain advice, swap skills or get a portfolio review from established freelancers. Support others by giving them constructive feedback or tips on their work. Need to know something specific about freelancing? Ask your fellow freelancers questions about the industry. They’re guaranteed to know more than the first page of Google when it comes to the reality of freelancing!
Also, sometimes we’ll post opportunities to be featured in Freelancer Club blog articles or national publications, so keep your eyes peeled...
It’s really up to you how much you get out of our Community Board. It’s in your hands! Go check it out now!
Showcase Event
Showcase is our very own online hiring and networking event exclusively for Freelancer Club members. It’s an amazing chance to form meaningful connections with freelancers and virtually meet with hiring brands which can lead to paid work. Share your screen to present your portfolio, land jobs and make industry connections from the comfort of your own computer. The last event saw over 200 attendees make 100s of connections. And, it's growing! The next Showcase will have speakers offering your insights and advice on presenting your portfolio and landing the job.
I personally attended the first Showcase event as a writer a few months back. Having never taken part in anything like it before, I was quite nervous! But I was really impressed with how smoothly things ran, and felt incredibly uplifted after being introduced to so many awesome freelancers, and inspired by meeting loads of hiring companies. So it’s definitely a massive perk of being a Freelancer Club member - and not one to miss!
Our next Showcase is on October 22nd 2020 at 10am. Book your place here!
Mailing List
Before you roll your eyes and say 'so what, it's a mailer!', hear me out. It's easy to dismiss a mailer but when it's a part of a membership club, monthly mailers keep you informed about the changes to the club, new features, more perks, news stories, and access to discounts, Government grants and so much more. Joining our mailing list means getting instant access to all of that including our latest news, events and job listings. Fear not - no spam! And you can modify your settings anytime. To subscribe, you simply go to Settings > Marketing Consent > Update Consent.
Get exclusive, practical advice from experienced freelancers with our Member Masterclasses, Ask Me Anything and Digital Discussion series. Upskill and develop your business know-how at the Business Casual sessions. Covering topics from mental health, to makeup tutorials, to the art of writing a killer job proposal, the Academy is packed full of ideas and guidance tailored exclusively for freelancers. Whatever your specialty, there should be something valuable for you to take on board your freelance venture. Academy is a premium feature so make sure you’ve upgraded before accessing.
Business Templates & FAQs
The legalities and business technicalities of freelancing can be intimidating… But only if you’re ill-equipped. We know what it’s like to be inexperienced and confused by it all. We wanted to eliminate the hassle and empower freelancers to feel confident and prepared. That’s why we’ve got a whole selection of document templates to save you time and stress. We’ve got everything from invoice templates, to Non-Disclosure Agreements, to cover letter templates... and many more. Just go to Resources > Documents, and you can download loads of useful templates - all free of charge!
We’ve also answered the most common legal questions around freelancing on our FAQ tool. Click on the section you’d like to learn about and browse the knowledge base.
So that was just a small taster of all the great features available to Freelancer Club members. This was definitely not an exhaustive list... So explore the site to discover more!