This post-covid era is a strange, transitional time for freelancers. Work may have dried up, and you may have modified your services considerably.
A constructive way to address these circumstances is to step back, reflect and reevaluate your unique selling point as a freelancer. Learning how to write a compelling About Me page is a great exercise in this - and it will help you connect with like-minded clients. Win-win.
Whether you’re a makeup artist, a graphic designer or a web developer, you’ve got specialised experience and a distinctive angle that is an invaluable asset to the right client. It’s a skill in itself to recognise this, and to know how to package it for the world to see.
Self promotion can feel cringey. Writing about yourself isn’t easy at all. Nobody wants to come across arrogant.
People often try to bypass this by writing in the third person. Hate to break it to you, but it makes you sound silly. And pompous. It actually confuses the reader, especially when it’s clear that you’re the only person behind the business. And it’s nearly impossible to relate to you on a personal level.
I know that “just be yourself” is perhaps the most irritating advice you’ve ever received, but it’s true!
We’re so used to switching personas - we mostly do it subconsciously. We tone down our unique character to fit with what we presume to be appropriate for a professional context. But this strips us of our raw, endearing, idiosyncratic nature.
Disclaimer: I’m not recommending you to go all out crazy on your about me section - but revealing just a smidgen of your personality is key. There’s always a happy medium.
At the end of the day, clients are just people. Without exception, it’s so much more intriguing when you can get a glimpse of the human person behind the about me page.
That’s why I would never (really - never ever) recommend using a template. It is staggeringly obvious when an about me page template has been used. Honestly, you might as well just write “Live, Laugh, Love” on there, if you want to exude clichéd corniness (please don’t).
So here’s the process I’d recommend instead:
First, embrace the fact that you won’t appeal to everyone. That’s the beauty of freelancing - we’ve all got a unique specialism. Now think about the kind of client you want to attract. Think about people who inspire you, the people who make you feel good in yourself. Then try and write your about me section as though you were discussing your skills and career goals with them.
Harness that energy! It is this individual dynamism that will entice the kinds of clients best suited to you.