Whether you're a fashion junkie or not, it's hard to avoid the majesty of London Fashion Week. It's a time when one digs out that special outfit that one dare not ware throughout the year and parade it with confidence amongst the masses of fashionista's during London's hottest event. But what does London Fashion Week mean for freelancers? Are you kidding! This is OUR TIME!
Twice a year many creative freelancers get to be the superstars amongst our circle of friends. If you're a regular then you'll know the attention you get from your 9 to 5 pals asking for tickets, if you're new to it all, then strap in and get ready for a wild few days. Whether you're a photographer, makeup artist, hair stylist, fashion stylist, model, art director, illustrator or anyone associated with fashion, London Fashion Week should be a time that you prepare for. So what can you do?
If you're looking to work at fashion week, reach out to the PRs that are looking after designers who are showing NOW! They'll be putting their fashion teams together from here on in and you'd be amazed at the amount of PR agencies that need someone last minute. If you don't feel ready for on-schedule designers then check out who is showing off-schedule. A lot of designers won't use PR agencies and will be looking to source their own freelance fashion teams. Start be checking out the designers on British Fashion Council's site then work on your approach. Twitter is a great way to cosy up to independents while you'll need to be a bit more canny with the PR agencies.
We'll be posting London Fashion Week jobs, ticket give-aways, articles and tips on freelancing during fashion week so keep an eye on our jobs board and blog.
Should all else fail, it's definitely worth heading down to the venues to soak up the atmosphere. You can get into the main courtyard of Somerset House for free where the street style is off the charts and there's plenty of networking to be done on the fly. Cameras at the ready. Let the countdown begin.
To apply to LFW jobs on our board, signup to Pro Membership today.